Let’s Be Real

img_1675Sometimes you type not knowing what will come out of your fingers. Sometimes you type just because — just to write something — anything that’s floating around in your brain.

And sometimes you don’t type. You stare at the computer screen wondering what to write. What is interesting? What is worthy of being written? What can you say that hasn’t already been said? Everything has been said at least once. Why are your words any different?

They’re different if they’re real. If they’re genuine and relatable, if they make your readers feel something, if they aren’t a bunch of crap, your words are different. Unfortunately, people will read some stuff even if it is a bunch of crap, but that’s a story for another blog post.

Vulnerability is intriguing. Readers like to know you’re human too. Sometimes I’m better at expressing myself through written words rather than in person. It doesn’t matter what emotion I want to convey, it just flows better when I’m typing. So from now on, only communicate your feelings to me via written word.

K? Cool. Thx 4 understanding.

Sarah out.

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